Law Firm Management » Building Stronger Lawyer-Client Communications Beyond Active Matters

Building Stronger Lawyer-Client Communications Beyond Active Matters

June 25, 2024

Building Stronger Lawyer-Client Communications Beyond Active Matters

Building Stronger Lawyer-Client Communications Beyond Active Matters

According to an article by Attorney at Work, lawyer-client communications are typically centered around specific legal issues. While important, these interactions often fail to understand the client’s broader context and long-term goals comprehensively. To become a trusted advisor, lawyers should regularly engage clients in discussions about their business strategies, industry trends, competitive landscape, and personal objectives. 

This broader perspective allows lawyers to anticipate challenges, identify opportunities, and offer proactive advice, potentially revealing additional areas for legal assistance. However, a reliance on email and text for communication can undermine relationship building. Live conversations, whether in person or over the phone, allow for a deeper connection and demonstrate that the client is a priority beyond billable work.

To overcome the challenge of reaching out without an active matter, lawyers should schedule relationship-building conversations at regular intervals, aiming for quarterly touchpoints with key clients. These planned lawyer-client communications should mix in-person meetings and phone calls, gradually becoming a natural part of the practice. This proactive approach also reduces the risk of losing clients to competitors.

The article cites these key objectives for client conversations:

  • Engage in active listening and proactive value-sharing during client conversations
  • Ask open-ended questions to understand the client’s priorities, concerns, and aspirations
  • Share valuable insights, updates on legal changes, industry trends, and strategic introductions to other professionals
  • Personal sharing also helps build rapport, ensuring most of the conversation remains client-focused

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