Thought Leadership

How Effective Law Firm Communication Enhances Performance and Well-Being

The Business Impact of Purpose

What is the business impact of purpose? Today’s Managing Partner Columnist Tracy LaLonde dives into how a purpose-driven approach can boost productivity and well-being in law firms.

legal AI hallucinations

From Hype to Reality: Solving the Challenge of Legal AI Hallucinations

Learn about what your organization should be doing to prevent Legal AI Hallucinations.

Navigating Legal Considerations for a Successful Law Firm Sale

Navigating Legal Considerations for a Successful Law Firm Sale

A successful law firm sale requires careful planning. Learn about key considerations, from client consent to ethical guidelines, ensuring a smooth transaction.

To Be a World-Class “Worklete,” R&R is Mandatory for High-Achieving Professionals

To Be a World-Class “Worklete,” R&R is Mandatory for High-Achieving Professionals

Learn why high-achieving professionals – including those in law firms – often approach their careers with the same intensity that athletes approach their training.

Robot holding up scales of justice

Transforming Legal Practice with AI: Opportunities for Law Firms Come with Management Concerns

Legal practice with AI is revolutionizing law firms, enhancing efficiency, and client service. Learn the benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations for effective AI integration.

Boss watches worker with a magnifying glass

Lack of Autonomy: A Surprising Silent Killer in the Workplace

Learn more about a hidden peril beneath the veneer of achievements and accolades that can affect members of a legal team: the lack of autonomy.

How to Develop Attorney Thought Leadership Skills

How to Develop Attorney Thought Leadership Skills

Dive into these strategies for success and discover how attorney thought leadership can elevate your legal practice.

Billable Hours versus Results: Which Has a Bigger Impact?

Billable Hours versus Results: Which Has a Bigger Impact?

Law firms have long held onto the billable hour like a security blanket. But are more billable hours synonymous with creating more value for our clients?

baseball in grass of baseball stadium

It’s Time to End Baseball’s Antitrust Exemption

In October, I was part of a legal team that filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court supporting a […]

How Attorney Thought Leadership Can Double as Client Advocacy

How Attorney Thought Leadership Can Double as Client Advocacy

Discover why advocating for clients through attorney thought leadership deepens client relationships, showcases attorneys’ dedication, and bolsters their brand.

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