Law Firm Marketing » How Attorney Thought Leadership Can Double as Client Advocacy

How Attorney Thought Leadership Can Double as Client Advocacy

April 25, 2024

How Attorney Thought Leadership Can Double as Client Advocacy

How Attorney Thought Leadership Can Double as Client Advocacy

According to an article by Copo Strategies, attorney thought leadership serves as a crucial tool beyond mere marketing, doubling as a platform for client advocacy. By delving into significant legal and business topics, attorneys can champion their clients’ interests and contribute to broader conversations.

This advocacy extends beyond typical billable work, allowing attorneys to align themselves with their clients’ causes and goals. The benefits of thought leadership as advocacy are twofold: it initiates potential change and enhances relationships with clients and prospects.

Through thought leadership, attorneys can:

  • Shape industry discussions to resonate with their clients’ perspectives, rather than simply reporting legal developments.
  • Frame legal changes favorably for their clients, showcasing expertise and advocacy simultaneously. 
  • Educate policymakers and the public on issues affecting clients’ lives and industries.
  • Advocate for positive legal changes, benefiting their clients directly. 

By advocating for clients through thought leadership, attorneys not only demonstrate their commitment but also bolster their personal brand. This advocacy, distinct from billable work, deepens client relationships and showcases attorneys’ dedication beyond typical expectations.

Rather than viewing attorney thought leadership solely as a business development tool, law firms should leverage it to advocate for clients’ interests to third parties, fostering meaningful change while solidifying client connections.

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