Family Law » Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Family Law

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Family Law

December 8, 2023

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Family Law

In an ABA Journal article, Marcel Strigberger reflects on over 40 years of litigation practice in the Toronto area, primarily in family law cases. Despite the emotionally charged nature of family law, he emphasizes the importance of maintaining sanity and understanding the human element involved. Family law cases are rarely dull, in contrast to other legal areas, due to the enduring fascination of the public with stories of love and its dissolution.

Strigberger includes anecdotes illustrating the challenges and nuances of family law: one story involves a mediation where a simple name mix-up escalates into a dramatic walkout; another highlights the complexities of handling cruelty allegations, with a husband’s unintentional admission adding an unexpected twist to the case.

Strigberger acknowledges the potential for violence in family matters and recounts instances where personal safety was at risk, both in and outside the courtroom. Despite threats and confrontations, he emphasizes the importance of maintaining civility and respect in interactions with all parties involved, including opposing counsel, and even offers humor as a way to break the ice and diffuse tensions through light-heartedness.

Through the author’s anecdotes, the reader gains insights into the unpredictable and emotionally charged nature of family law, where navigating successfully hinges on understanding, respect, and occasionally, a good sense of humor.

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