The Engagement Edge with Tracy LaLonde

How Effective Law Firm Communication Enhances Performance and Well-Being

The Business Impact of Purpose

What is the business impact of purpose? Today’s Managing Partner Columnist Tracy LaLonde dives into how a purpose-driven approach can boost productivity and well-being in law firms.

To Be a World-Class “Worklete,” R&R is Mandatory for High-Achieving Professionals

To Be a World-Class “Worklete,” R&R is Mandatory for High-Achieving Professionals

Learn why high-achieving professionals – including those in law firms – often approach their careers with the same intensity that athletes approach their training.

Boss watches worker with a magnifying glass

Lack of Autonomy: A Surprising Silent Killer in the Workplace

Learn more about a hidden peril beneath the veneer of achievements and accolades that can affect members of a legal team: the lack of autonomy.

Billable Hours versus Results: Which Has a Bigger Impact?

Billable Hours versus Results: Which Has a Bigger Impact?

Law firms have long held onto the billable hour like a security blanket. But are more billable hours synonymous with creating more value for our clients?

workforce engagement in law firm

Who’s Responsible for Engagement in a Law Firm?

Workforce engagement is not just a buzzword in today’s work culture—it’s a vital ingredient in the recipe for a law […]

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