Law Firm Marketing » The Power of a Thought Leadership Blitz for Lateral Partners and Practice Groups

The Power of a Thought Leadership Blitz for Lateral Partners and Practice Groups

January 26, 2024

The Power of a Thought Leadership Blitz for Lateral Partners and Practice Groups

In the competitive legal industry, lateral partners and practice groups often face challenges in meeting business generation expectations at their new firms. One frequently overlooked yet easily addressable issue is the insufficient production of thought leadership content. An article by Copo Strategies and the Law Firm Editorial Service suggests a “Thought Leadership Blitz,” involving an accelerated creation of marketing and business development content during the initial months at a new firm.

A Thought Leadership Blitz entails doubling the monthly output of thought leadership content for at least the first three months. This proactive approach offers three key benefits. 

It enhances substantive conversations about the lateral move, allowing partners to engage clients and referral sources with recently published content, showcasing their expertise and knowledge. This personalized interaction is more impactful than standard announcements and fosters meaningful connections.

The Thought Leadership Blitz facilitates cross-selling opportunities. Colleagues at the new firm can leverage the fresh content to introduce lateral partners or practice groups to clients and referral sources, providing value and context. This approach surpasses traditional methods of introducing new practices and enhances the perceived value of the lateral’s expertise.

The accelerated content creation results in a quickly built library of marketing and business development materials. This substantive content, unlike generic brochures, can be used by the firm for ongoing cross-selling, responding to proposals, or general marketing efforts. The Thought Leadership Blitz generates a body of work that demonstrates the lateral partner’s or practice group’s knowledge, seamlessly integrating it into the firm’s overall marketing strategy.

The Thought Leadership Blitz serves as a practical and effective solution to the complex challenge of business generation for lateral partners and practice groups. By prioritizing the creation of valuable content, these legal professionals can not only meet but exceed the expectations of their new firms, establishing themselves as thought leaders in their respective fields.

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