Career Development » What Motivates Law Firm Partners to Change Firms

What Motivates Law Firm Partners to Change Firms

September 12, 2024

What Motivates Law Firm Partners to Change Firms

What Motivates Law Firm Partners to Change Firms

In a Law Vision article, veteran attorney Laurie Caplane outlines key reasons law firm partners change firms; surprisingly, money is not the primary motivator. According to Caplane, partners are typically well-compensated and enjoy their work, but dissatisfaction with their firm’s environment often drives them to leave.

The first significant factor Caplane notes is a need for more connection with firm leadership. Partners want to feel included in the firm’s direction and decision-making processes. A simple call or meeting can strengthen this connection and encourage long-term commitment.

The second factor is platform and infrastructure issues. Partners need strong teamwork, associate support, and specialized services to grow their practices. If their firm cannot provide these, they may seek opportunities elsewhere, particularly in key areas like client service or geographic coverage.

Rate pressure and client issues also influence partner movement. Partners facing rate challenges need their firm’s support to retain clients or win new ones through rate adjustments. Firms must analyze rate decisions carefully, considering both short- and long-term profitability.

Lastly, conflict resolution is a growing factor as more partners are affected by firm mergers and group moves. Poor conflict management or unfair resolution processes can result in significant business loss, pushing partners to reconsider their long-term future at the firm.

Ultimately, Caplane emphasizes that partners who feel valued, supported, and engaged are less likely to leave. Addressing these factors can significantly reduce turnover.

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